ORS na kongresu URES/ORS 2015.

Počeo je prvi dan kongresa ORS-a na kongresu URES/ORS na Zlatiboru. Prisustvuje više od 300 lekara, menadžera farmaceutskih kompanija i više od 50 članova ORS-a. Danas se našim članovima obratila predsednica Mirjana Lapčević i govorila je na temu Dobar odnos doktor-pacijent, a zatim se održala radionica PREPORUKE ZA PACIJENTE DOBAR ODNOS ZDRAVSTVENI PROFESIONALAC-PACIJENT. Članovi ORS-a su formirali 4 grupe, gde su podelili svoja iskustva i dali preporuke. Moderatori grupa bile su Prim. dr Mirjana Lapčević, Olivera Mladenov, Dragica Šapić i Anica Đokić. Važno je da slušamo jedni druge.

The first day of the Congress of ORS and the Congress URES /ORS in Zlatibor, Serbia. Attended by more than 300 doctors, managers of pharmaceutical companies and more than 50 members of ORS. Today, our members were addressed by our President Mirjana Lapčević, who gave a talk on the topic of Professional doctor-patient fruitful relationship, and then held workshops RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PATIENTS on professional relationship between patient and the doctor. Members of ORS have formed four groups, where they shared their experiences and made recommendations. Moderators group were Prim. Mirjana Lapčević, Oliver Mladenov, Dragica Sapić and Anica Đokić. It's important to listen to each other.

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